Explode Your Reviews in the Next 90-Days, Even During This Pandemic

Reputation matters, especially in today’s environment. So take control of your online reputation (reviews) and build trust with potential customers in an instant.

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Get More REAL 5-Star Reviews Now

...we help you get real customers to leave 5-star reviews

The total number of reviews you have matters, especially if that number happens to be zero. Make it easy for your clients & customers to give you 5-star reviews and outpace your competitors.

KAHA reviews service thumbnail

Boost Your Average
Star Rating

...we help you get reviews on multiple review sites

Increase your organization’s average star ratings across sites like Google, Facebook, Yelp! and everywhere else clients and customers are finding you.

Conquer your competition

In today’s environment, reviews are more important than ever. We can help you conquer your competition and leave them in the dust by increasing your average review rating, your review count, and your frequency of reviews across multiple review sites in one simple, streamlined process.

Keep Your Reviews Fresh and Frequent

...don’t let stale reviews hurt your business

Never stop getting new reviews because 73% of consumers believe that reviews older than 3 months are not relevant.


Remind Happy Customers to Leave Reviews

...We’ll Make Sure They follow through

If your clients don’t leave a review, we’ll prompt them with friendly reminders.

Review Monitoring & Alerting

...Get notified when you get a new review

Know about your reviews as they get posted so you can CELEBRATE positive reviews and RESPOND to negative feedback before it does harm.

Automatically Share your 5-star reviews

...Maximize your reputation by sharing it

Your great reputation deserves to be seen!  Maximize exposure by automatically sharing your 5-star reviews on Facebook or Twitter.  Plus… automatically update your website with REAL, verifiable testimonials.

Stop Bad Reviews in Their Tracks

...And get valuable client feedback in private

Protecting your reputation isn’t just about getting more positive reviews, it’s about stopping most bad reviews before they get posted.

Measure Your Progress Towards a Healthy Reputation

...Get deep insights and reporting on your reputation

We provide reporting so you can track your reviews and reputation health.

Get Started Exploding Your Reviews Even During This Pandemic

Take the first step to improve your overall review ratings, review counts and review frequency by scheduling a FREE 30-minute strategy session.